Is there anything worse than buying a new product only to break out in pimples, further aggravate redness, zing when you want to soothe, watch it cake and crack in your wrinkles, or transform you into a slippery slick? Argh! No. There goes your hard earned cash down the loo!
One of the key secrets to getting the right skincare and makeup products for you, is understanding your skin type. Do you know yours?
Skin type and ageing
Fun fact, skin types are determined by genetics and essentially don’t change with age. If you were a combination skin as a younger woman, you’re officially still a combination skin (although your skin may have become less oily and more dry you're still a combo).
With age, and the drop in oestrogen, our skin does tend to get drier. Given we aren’t usually born with sensitive skin I’m going with the theory that "Sensitive" is not a skin type, but rather a skin condition. Ditto for dehydrated. Dehydrated is not a skin type, it’s a skin condition. For products to perform for you, it’s really important to get this part right, understand and know your skin type. When you know your skin type, you'll be able to best choose products that will work for you. Below is a quick and simple guide to point you in the right direction.
Dry skin
Does your skin feel tight, appear flaky or scaly?
Is your skin dull? Do you rarely get pimples? Does you skin feel “less elastic” and tend to “show off” more visible fine lines (or crinkles). Does your skin ever become itchy or irritated?
If you answered yes to most or some of these, you’re probs a Dry Skin Sister.
Tips for dry skin
Dry skin needs moisture, extra care and attention. Repeat after me … Thou shalt not over-exfoliate. Thou shall avoid harsh foaming cleansers. Thou shall choose rich moisturising products, and give your beauty routine a boost with skin nourishing products like face oils. Face oils are a mature dry skin Sister's must-have.
dry skin favourites
Makeup kit
Normal skin
Not too dry and not too oily, ‘normal’ skin has few imperfections, barely visible pores, is not sensitive and usually looks fab, feels fab. Maybe we should rename this lucky duck skin!
Tips for normal skin
All of the products in the Amanda Ramsay online store are for you - the world is your oyster so think about what you most want to achieve with your skincare. Is it reducing pigmentation? Is it boosting radiance? Is it to reduce fine lines, the appearance of wrinkles, improve elasticity? Choose products that deliver to your goals. And also know that with age, you may notice more dryness. You can’t avoid or ignore dehydration. All skin types need hydration to function optimally. Hydration is key.
normal skin favourites
Makeup kit
Oily skin
If you're an oily skinned Sister you will probably be all too aware. You are likely to be prone to breakouts, have visible pores and you may also have a shiny complexion (let’s call it a 'glow'). You may be adverse to anything that feels "oily" on your skin. On the upside, you girls get the BEST deal when it comes to ageing, as your visible signs of premature ageing are slower. Hoorah! You tend to look more “baby faced” than your dry-skinned sisters.
Tips for oily skin
Oily skinned ladies, it’s highly likely you have less wrinkles (Yay). However, choose the wrong product and it's outbreak city. Trap here is you girls are a little too hooked on the “squeaky clean” concept and tend to over strip - over dry - your skin.
All skin - including oily skin really needs hydration to function optimally. Hydration is your uber-focus. Use gentle cleansing gels and hydrating serums. Choose oils that balance and promote cell regeneration.
oily skin favourites
Makeup kit:
Combination skin
Many ladies have this skin type, but ohh it can be a tricky one. Like your oily skinned sisters, your skin is oily, but only in some areas, usually the T-zone (nose, forehead, and chin). The other areas are usually dry/normal or normal. Does your skin break out with your cycle? Does your skin seem to change? Chances are you're a combo skin gal.
Tips for combination skin
Your skin may need to use different products in different areas. Be flexible, there isn’t a one-size-fits all solution for you. Avoid applying oil on your T-zone before applying makeup. Use a natural primer through your t-zone.
combination skin Favourites
Makeup kit
Sensitive skiN
As I said earlier, I believe that sensitive skin is a condition rather than a skin type and thinking this way should help you when choosing and using new products defo fragrance free, defo low-tox, defo-take it easy on anything too "active".
If your skin is sensitive, some beauty products are likely to trigger redness, itching, dryness or even burning (argh). It is very likely that you have a compromised skin barrier that needs some TLC and repairing. This is extremely common - more common that not - in women aged 40+. And the more you “throw" at it, the worse it will become. Back to basics for you. Repair that skin barrier first.
Tips for sensitive skin
Introduce one new product at a time, so you know whether it has triggered a reaction. Definitely avoid chemical exfoliants and move away from synthetic fragrance. Taking things back to basics is highly recommended whilst the skin barrier repairs (with a little help from the right products).
sensitive skin favourites
All of the makeup products in the Amanda Ramsay online shop are hand-picked to suit sensitive skin, however, I love the following for a bit of skin barrier TLC:
Makeup kit
Still unsure?
If you need some help with identifying your skin type and with choosing the right products, I would love to give you some personalised advice.
That's all for now. Keep shining bright ladies.